Stop Drinking and Start Living

235. Ignite Your Vision

August 09, 2023 Mary Wagstaff / Nura Rachelle Season 1 Episode 235
Stop Drinking and Start Living
235. Ignite Your Vision
Show Notes Transcript

Think about the BIG moments that shaped your life.  Who are you because of that experience?
Now imagine doing that with your fullest attention, awareness, conscious intention and a team of like minded women who are there to support you and help you write the next chapter of your story, without apology?

It's beyond transformative. 
Add in a luxury retreat, the Pacific Ocean, miles of untouched beach, like minded women, embodiment, and the elements of a solar eclipse... The list goes on!

  • Cultivate community and create a sacred space for people to steep themselves in their vision. 

  • There is a wound of receiving the presence of others, being witnessed and being held. It is a safe container to explore and dream as big as you possibly can. 

  • The importance of being in the creative process in some capacity to know what you really want. 

  • The solar eclipse is a massive acceleration portal to get there faster and to create something brand new to ignite your vision. 

  • The power of sisterhood and retreats to give permission for what might feel completely illogical to come through and be fully seen and fully welcomed in by and witnessed. 

  • The alchemical container of retreats, how retreats are shaped and dependent on who is in the container. 

  • There is a calling for all of the people who are supposed to meet to meet. There is a force pulling us together, and it is something to contribute to the world and bring into relationships. 

  • You don't need to already have it all figured out. The only type of person who needs this is someone looking to connect with themselves and connect with sisterhood. 

  • When a place becomes a different culture and a different experience outside of the norm, there is an added layer of curiosity, getting outside of comfort zones and seeing how one fits in as a global citizen. 

Ignite Your Vision in Sacred Sisterhood In Mexico! April 6-13th 2024 Early bird pricing through 10/31/23!
Learn more and register HERE. 

Sister, you are invited to come and receive joy, validate and acknowlegement in a container that is created for you to remember who you are + ignite your vision of self into the world. Click here to learn more + secure your space today. 

Come to Mexico with us, Hangover free and fully supported!
Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse on the Pacific Riviera In Mexico. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your remembering + your vision.
To join us in circle : Click here to save your space!

Become a Naturally Sober Woman today!This program is your last stop on the quitting train. It's a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol unimportant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, having more fun and worrying less about what people think, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Mary Wagstaff:

Do you ever feel like you're outgrowing alcohol, that you are longing for a deeper connection to life? If alcohol is keeping you playing small and feels like the one area, you just can't figure out you are in the right place. Hi, my name is Mary Wagstaff. I'm a Holistic alcohol coach who ended a 20 year relationship to alcohol without labels, counting days or ever making excuses. Now I help powerful women just like you eliminate their desire to drink on their own terms. In this podcast, we will explore the revolutionary approach of my proven five shifts process that gets alcohol out of your way by breaking all of the rules, and the profound experience that it is to rediscover who you are on the other side of alcohol, I am so thrilled to be your guide. Welcome to your journey of awakening. Going back to the show my beautiful listeners, this is just a little short intro for the episode that I'm very excited to bring to you today. And I just had wanted to add a little caveat, because I have a special guest on my show. What I would love for you to think about while you're listening to this, because it's an invitation is reflecting on your journey of life thus far. And I think I'll do a bigger episode on this exclusively around the topic of transformation. by circumstance, right, we often think about changing our circumstances, so that we can kind of get out of a feeling. Or we think what's going to be better on the other side. But what if we're intentionally changing our circumstances, so that we can experience a new part of ourselves or so that we can see a part of ourselves your relationship with alcohol, for example, in a new light from a new perspective, and when we continue to sit in the vibration of alcohol and the shame and the black and white thinking than the black and white drinking and getting back on track. And all of those things are constantly reinforcing the same patterning of the story that we're kind of ready to not have anymore, where we're ready to write a new story. That's why you're here, you're ready to author a new chapter of your life, right. And it doesn't have to mean that the one before there was that it wasn't real. It wasn't valid it but it was a chapter from one perspective. And so think about your journey of life and how when you intentionally put yourself in new environments, or maybe not even intentionally, but say going to university or even being in a relationship, if you were intentional about your reflection, or even in retrospective reflection, how that shifted you how that gave you to an opportunity to do something that you wouldn't have normally done, when we in light of the episode you're about to listen to when we travel, how we'll has certain places that you've been in the world or being with family or doing things that you thought you didn't want to do. And in the end, you realize, Wow, that was really what I needed. Right. And this is a level of maturity, this is stepping back and being able to find the blessing and everything, find our growth edge, find an opportunity to create, to for ourselves to create a new perspective to create a new vision. And this is what happens with alcohol is we kind of continue to relive the same moments again and again and again and again. And we think we're bored when we're not drinking. But when you step away and you awaken beyond alcohol, the the opposite you know, the boredom from alcohol couldn't be further from the truth. And it's like the opposite is really what's happening. It's it's staying in the same frequency that creates boredom. And so it's not really boredom, it's just that you have to be willing to experience a new frequency and a new shift in your body. And so we don't necessarily want to change our circumstances thinking if I change this things are going to be easier, but in light of creating a new opportunity for me to experience something about myself that I didn't know but just think like what are what are 123 things that you know like Wow, that really shaped me? Right? This was a huge transformative thing that I'm so glad I said yes to right. And what am I ready for now in light of alcohol on the other side, enjoy this episode. I can't wait to hear from you and I'm thrilled to be able to offer this have an amazing day. Welcome back to the show. My beautiful listeners. I am so thrilled you're here I have a very, very special treat for you I have a special guest on the show. She's kind of my co host today, I feel like because we have something really awesome to share with you. I just want to welcome neuro Rochelle, neuro has been a guest on the show before a few times. So I just want to welcome you to


the show. Thank you, Mary, I just love you love hanging out with you. I'm so excited to have some fun and talk about what we have in store. Yes.

Mary Wagstaff:

So I'm just gonna let the cat out of the bag really quickly at the beginning. And then we're going to just talk about what this means for you, and how you can even start to integrate some of these ideas into your life now and concepts. So we are going on a retreat, and we are inviting you to come with. Yes, we are so thrilled, and we'll share all of the details with you. But we're getting it out early, so that you have plenty of time to prepare, and to ask questions. And there will be some offerings for for more in person questions as well. But we are taking a sacred retreat to Mexico Troncones, Mexico, and you all have maybe heard me talk about it before. And the retreat is called Ignite your vision and it is going to be happening under the Eclipse that's taking place the full solar solar eclipse that's taking place in April of 2024. So while all of the details of the time and place will be available to you, but we wanted to share with you about our intention and who it's for and the power of the eclipse portal and all the things so, Noora. Tell us about what your vision is for this retreat.


Hmm. Well, so much of it. I think especially because we're in this portal already where the north and south node are inviting us more into ourselves north node Aries, there's this calling of new passion calling of new creative projects, new vision, or just new creation, new way of being in relationship not only with the people around us, but with ourselves. Most importantly, so my biggest vision is just really to cultivate community around that and just create this sacred space so that we can feel safe to steep ourselves and trust ourselves as we really marinate in our vision and connect with it and feel held by sisters who really I think this is a very big piece of it because the eclipse will be conjunct Chiron, who is the wounded healer. So there's this healing element of I think being witnessed, being seen and held for your big, exciting, passionate vision held by sisters so that you can really internalize that and take it with you.

Mary Wagstaff:

I just got total full body chills talking, having you hearing you talk about it. It's so beautiful, because there is this wound of what I see as receiving right receiving the presence of others, like being witnessed is in a way, something that we have to be receptive to, right. But in that we're held and the the igniting the vision talking about that fire and the passion coming through and like having the safe container to just explore what does that mean and to dream as big as you pause as we possibly can. Right. And so, for me, and this is why we have planned it specifically around this time, this potent time astrologically so that we can use the elements and there is going to talk about that a little bit more to accelerate the process. But ignite your vision. And my intention of this, obviously very similar to neuron does is to create an opportunity for expression, right? Because we have all of these things that happen inside of us. And I think a lot of what we're going to talk about today is kind of an inner we inter woven. But we have all of these ideas inside of us that kind of get pushed to the backburner. And the vision could be a shift in our regular day to day two, right? It doesn't have to be this like big expansive. Like I'm building a building a retreat center, right? It doesn't have to be that. But when we create the opportunity, what we do is we make it intentional, right? And that's the power of coaching that's the power of anything is bringing our intention to the forefront and giving space for it to be nurtured, to be important to be seen to be held to be cultivated. And so when we get to, to step forth, in that there's like this, this deeper message that says This actually does matter. And I'm ready to kind of enter that next threshold of the spiral for myself and take what has been on the backburner or, you know, on the end table and bring it into the forefront and and play with it be creative, be curious, it doesn't have to. It doesn't have to be so black and white like that there can be, there can be creativity with it. And I really feel like coming together in a group with open minds and open hearts and and you know, what's happening in the stars, and with nature is going to really bring in that creative energy and force to kind of uplevel the frequency of the creativity. That was a lot said, but basically, long story short, it's about creating an opportunity for us to be able to do this together.


Absolutely, I think that's such an important point, too, is getting to actually be in the creative process in some capacity to gather your sin, right? Like we are surrounded by ideas. And I do think we're also surrounded by opportunities all the time, but there's this calling to know ourselves better to know what we really want. And for it to not necessarily come from this mental logical place, but come more from our bodies, which are activated when we're around other bodies, when we're steeped in particular energy fields. So that elements of it is so crucial. And if we think about all areas is instinct, it's also trusting this divine spark, that is really it's innately seated within us one thing that I find a lot of people that I serve, have trouble with, isolating and understanding, well, what is it that I want? What is my vision? What is my intention, and I think it's because we're trying to get it from here. And we're trying to make it fit. And we're trying to make it make sense. And most of the time, it doesn't, especially if it's authentic, it usually doesn't make first logical sense. But we have to trust ourselves innately to follow the feeling, or to follow the joy, follow the passion, follow our instincts. So that's what I think all of this is an opportunity, or is, is ultimately to learn how to spot it, because we're in it, we're feeling it. And there's also the elements who with this solar eclipse is it's like the lights will go out, it'll be a new moon. So new moons, we typically say New Moon, new moon, but when it's an eclipse, it's like a massive acceleration portal. So it's like you can get there faster, you can get there in a quantum sense by almost being maybe it's a little vulnerable, right? But it's safe, vulnerable to, to actually allow that seed to take root in you.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, I love all of that, when you were talking about creating from the logical mind, it's like we're, then we're kind of checking the the reflection, the mirroring that we see. And to create something brand new to ignite your vision, you're not gonna see it outside, because it's yours, right? So being in the embodiment space to reach into the places where maybe you have never reached before and to give yourself an opportunity to actually explore that, because there's going to be all sorts of different practices to really define and get clear about what is this vision for you, right, you don't have to necessarily arrive with a vision, but it's an idea, it's an opportunity to, to spark something inside of you as well. So when we look to the external from the logical mind, we can't create the impossible because it only exists with inside of us. So having this opportunity to really tap into what you were saying about with, you know, having the the creative force of all that's going to be surrounding us with sisterhood and the elements to I guess, give permission to let what might feel completely illogical to come through and be fully seen and fully, fully welcomed in by and witnessed. So I'm just I absolutely love retreats. I absolutely love being in sacred sisterhood. And that's the whole thing, right? We do have a completely different experience when we are in heart coherence to one another. So I wanted to talk a little bit about that and even just your own experience, my experience being in sisterhood and in retreats. And every time we just come into circle together, right? It's like its own little mini retreat. But literally has been the complete shift of where I am today. I mean, without having been exposed to the power of sitting in circle with women, I definitely would not even be on this show right now.


Absolutely. It's a quantum accelerator, as far as I'm concerned. And sometimes when I've been in those states of like, wonder, like, Should I do this is a thing? Is this a thing that I, you know, that will benefit me. And it's like every single time, it's benefited me so far beyond what I could have even imagined that it would be because I do kind of approach things from a logical mind. That's just how I'm defaulted. So sometimes it takes me a little bit of trust and massaging of like, okay, how can I lean deeper into, like, following what I want to do, like, why am I even led to doing this, and I'm like, oh, there was something there, huge monumental that I needed, that I didn't even know that I needed out there. And that's absolutely been my experience with retreats, and really any long term intentional container, I think that's what it is, I see it as this alchemical container, where it's going to be very shaped and dependent on who is in the container. So I also feel like there's this calling for all of the people who are supposed to meet to meet, it's like, these magnets were magnets to our divine appointments. So there's this force, like pulling us together. And I sense that, because we're not really here to just create anything by ourselves just for ourselves. I mean, that can be part of our process. But in the end, it's something to contribute to the world. It's something to bring into our relationships, that we need to be activated sometimes by the people that are in our soul group. To get to that awareness.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And it's the opportunity to show up exactly as you are to that's the that's really the power I find in sisterhood community, that's intentional, right, where we are co weaving the grid, of embodiment of authenticity, of trusting our intuition, right. And, and, and through the lens of feminine mysteries, through the emotional body, and with that hat is required a full, your full self is required and requested, right, like we want all of you present. And so part of the retreat to is a fully present experience, right? Where we're going to have a lot of fun, and there will be a lot of partying, but it's going to be partying from a fully expressive, embodied, authentic place. And I think that for a lot of people, that could be a different opportunity to kind of leave home travel, go on a quote, unquote, vacation, because the place that we're staying is absolutely gorgeous. It is a retreat setting on the beach, my favorite place and all of Mexico that I've been many, many times, so I trust and love this place. But with that, it's like bringing those two worlds together, right, like the receiving the rest, the relaxation, the luxury, in so many ways, right, like kind of the queendom the cleaning out. But using that support, to go in to go deeper to to create that that intentional sacred space to be birthed into a new version of yourself outside of this eclipse season that we're going to be in.


Absolutely I'm, I'm all for integrating what you know what can happen on something like a retreat, as is known as a peak experience, right? Like it's, it's a pattern interrupt like it's coming out of your day to day life to go and whether you would call it a pilgrimage or self initiation, some sort of ceremony with self, that you can really integrate it and take it into your life. Yeah. And I wanted to go back to something that you said earlier, where it's like, who is this for? Yes. And it's like, you don't need to already have it all figured out? Yes, where you get there. And I think that's actually central to this because Aries is fire. It's not air, it's not mine. It's not logical, again, just to reiterate that, and I think that can be that can be a little scary for people when you're like stepping out into something. And there can be expectations, like do I already have to have something planned or prepared? Or like do I have to be this certain type of person and I would say, the only type of person is really just somebody who's looking to connect with themselves in a deeper way and connect with sisterhood and just really open up the fire of your own heart and your own vision, whatever that means. And however that looks for you, so there's not this you know, it's it's not limited, right? It's completely unlimited and open. And that's ultimately the goal to

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, well, and with the logic, it's there can be a, you know, our intention also is to create a safe and smooth transition for everyone to feel really held and supported. And maybe the not knowing, right, like, that's kind of the point is show up, you don't need to know. But we're gonna, you know, we're gonna do some unraveling to come away with some clarity, some deeper sense of knowing. And so I love thinking about this as an initiation. And when you said that about Emmet, so my son is at his first overnight camp for the first time. And it's very similar to this, right? He's a little guy and you know, nervous, like he's gonna come back different. It's an initiation, and I hadn't really thought of it like that. I mean, I did, but not in those words, and I really appreciated you saying that. But it is, you know, doing the, it's who you become in the process, right of the preparation that comes before the traveling the journey to get there. Like it all becomes part of the pilgrimage every single time I've taken a journey, especially by myself. And we will, of course, invite people to come together, if that feels, you know, supportive for them. But they're every single step of it really is a whole part of the of the journey and the initiation. And you're not, you're not alone there, the neuro and I are here to support you in making sure that that process feels safe and supported for you. But I think that that's also the peace in the knowing and staying open, staying curious into the unknown, because we can't create something new from what we already know, right? But we can trust our resources. And we can kind of plan ahead of time to feel really good and secure and what we have venturing into the unknown. So you don't have to like just jump off a cliff. We're not requiring that.


Are there any questions? It could be I know, there's excursions. And

Mary Wagstaff:

so tell me a little bit more about your experience. I mean, even just I would love to just talk about travel, and even in Mexico, because I know you've spent a lot of time there. Tell me about your experience and what you would love to share with people.


Sure, yeah, I met my husband in Mexico, we both were a teachers there. And that was how we met and we we lived there for a year. Then we came back to the States. And then we had our beautiful daughter. And then we went back to Mexico for two more years living in Mexico City. And we met in Puebla lives in Mexico City, and also lives in medida in the Yucatan, and we traveled I think we counted to 14 Different states in Mexico. So it's been a high honor to be able to connect with all of the different localities and even see, it's all of the different places are so unique, so special. And I really, I mean, there's such a huge piece of my heart that will always be in Mexico. And so I love it, I felt like that was a big part of my journey. And of course, Sagittarius sun here, obviously, going to be doing a lot of traveling in this life. But it kind of goes back to a conversation we were having earlier Mary around home and place and I do feel like every place I've ever been has unlocked some things in me and it wasn't it's not like a different version of self. It's just as its as another part of me like I'm getting bigger to see like my home is everywhere on this earth like my home is in myself ultimately, but it's just another another tasting and other quality of what's available to us. So I very much see travel as intrinsic to my evolution and just seeing different worldviews connecting with different cultures, different perspectives on life. And really my favorite thing about being in Mexico has been just how easy it is to drop into the heart and feel welcomed.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, beautiful. I love all of that. Yeah, we were talking right before we got on the call how you know no matter where we go right under our feet is our mother and it's just it's these different versions of her image she just you know her her different expressions of beauty as as, as Mother Earth as nature holding us. But unless and then there is this unlocking of something inside of you, how are you relating to that right? And so then when it becomes a different culture and a different experience outside of our norm of our day to day, there's this added layer, it's intentional of curiosity, right kind of getting outside of the comfort of our comfort zones of our of our day to day and and seeing Yeah, how are we fitting in relation to be even global citizens, right being a part of this whole. And that has an I agree about that with Mexico, it is someplace I've gone back to I traveled there when I was very young as well. And it's someplace I continue to return to, because it's very rich in its culture, and its beauty, and food and music and sounds and colors, and it just has so much vibrancy that opens up different, different parts of me, in this particular place, is a place that Nora hasn't been. So I'm very excited to travel there with her. But it's this beautiful coastal town on the Pacific. And I continue to go back there because I have felt very comfortable with the local community and the vibe of the place. Being there by myself as a single woman traveler, I've gone there many, many times by myself, and I've also brought my family and it has been a place that just calls me back again and again. Because there's so much serenity and power, right, it's like the most serene place. But at night, those those oceans, I mean, I go and I'm offering prayers of reverence always to the ocean, and the mountains are behind us, the waters in front of us. So it's this beautiful way to kind of be in solitude, and in for the elements to be able to be amplified, because a lot of times when we're in the element, and if it's not super intentional, or if we're in more of an urban environment. We don't, we can't hear them write their message. And when I'm in Toronto, nice the message of the sea as very potent and very obvious. And being able to watch the Moon travel and the sun travel and be able to tell time by the you know, the sun in the sky. It really is it really connects me back to some of the most innate parts of self write some of the most natural parts of our experience when we're relying on our phones all the time to tell time and I often just kind of put that away and look up to the sky and see what's going on. So I imagine


there will be some good stargazing because especially in a new moon when the new moon yeah, like we'll get there when the moon is closing the cycle. So there will be this beautiful balsamic Moon tiny sliver when we're arriving, and then leaving as the moon is starting to wax again, into this new cycle. So I actually think it's really potent, the energy that we'll be tuning in with together. And absolutely, there's just something about being so connected and attuned with the elements and the natural cycles, and then we get reconfigured, recalibrated with all of that within ourselves. Yeah, sidebar, I'm incredibly excited to see the turtles.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yes, I am just like, keeping my fingers crossed, it will happen. But there is a project in on Tron Kony speech that is a turtle conservation project. And so there's a place where guy, people go out on four wheelers, before sunrise, before the dogs come out looking for where the turtles have laid their eggs and they go collect the turtles, and then they keep them, you know, in a little space to let the turtles do their gestation process. And when they are ready to be released, we release you can go and have an experience with the baby sea turtles to let them out at sunset. It is the most incredible experience to see these little tiny newborns just go off on their journey. And what's really cool is sea turtles. I don't know what the period is, but they will come back to the same beach to lay their eggs like they know how to come back. It's wild nature is the coolest thing. It is us it is a miracle. So I'm glad you brought that up because it's an experience that we're going to have and I just want to talk about a couple of the other things besides the programs that Nora and I will be running. The Retreat itself has daily yoga classes that are offered by present moment staff. We're going to be having a very traditional cacao ceremony by a local medicine woman that's there. And there's going to be acupuncture and sound healing and ecstatic dance and movement and swimming and fire and so many treats and then there's opportunities for excursions and sweat lodge. It's gonna be full and it's gonna be fun.


I'm so excited for all of it. And I I'm really excited to see what it opens up for all of the people who decide to take this journey because I was just reflecting like, I wasn't even planning to bring this up. But everywhere we go, if you've ever looked at Astro locality or Astro relocation, we have like planetary lines, almost like energetic grid lines that move through different places. I know for me, it'll be on a Saturn line, which I'm actually really celebrating because I feel like well, Saturn's in my 11th house, right now, there's a lot of energy on cultivating community. So I see that as an amazing affirmation of also, you know, being able to hold space. So I know for me, it'll be my own Saturnian, like stepping into my own kind of mastery, because this will be my first retreat of such level to be holding. So I feel excited for that element. So tuning into what will be activated and opened up for you just via being on that planetary line that that energetic kind of like your own personal ley line your own and something gets unlocked. And I've traveled to other places in the world where it was very obvious what was being unlocked and activated for me. And it's almost like every place you go, you get to take a little piece of that with you. So I that's another way of looking at this to consider. And so everybody who comes to the retreat will also receive astrology reading from me, so you'll know going on. Yeah, you'll be able to tune in both logically. And it's almost like I want to set you up with that ahead of time, so that you can just come in and have the experience. So you'll receive readings from me before you actually tune in so that we can just be there and arrive. And I just think it's so cool that the place that we're hosting at is called present moment. Yeah, eat together in our in the present moment.

Mary Wagstaff:

I love that. I know, that's a very important part, I'm going to have to have you look at my chart for that. I think you actually maybe sent it to me, I don't know. Well, to look at it. Tell me I want to have one more question about that piece is so important. It's like what is happening in that astrological moment for you to kind of just spark some of the direction and clarity. And we're going to be very, very close to where there the totality of the eclipse will actually be happening. So the energy is going to be well, we'll definitely be experiencing that taking place. I just wanted to put that out there. Tell me what's happening with Venus during that time. I'm just curious.


So Venus will be freshly moved into Aries just a couple of days before we arrived there. So she'll be approaching the North Node. And she'll be close by for the new moon solar eclipse along with Chiron and Mercury who will also be retrograde. So the way I'm interpreting all of this is that it's a beautiful time to kind of be with what's a little different, what's new, what's exciting, in a way that you know Venus in Aries. She's not necessarily requiring any validation from others. But she is kind of in that leadership, energy. She's becoming more aware of her own power, her own ability to take a stance and activate for herself what she desires and allowing more pleasure from that very intentional space. And then the Mercury Retrograde feels like it'll be a beautiful time to reflect like I love Mercury Retrograde, I view them as the ultimate integration time where life actually does slow down a little bit. I mean, how perfect for a retreat to get to be with everything that's swirling around inside of you, and then actually discover a little bit more about what it means. So I think the astrology is really supportive for all of this. And I personally will have all of this happening in my my 12th house of Taurus rising so for me, I'm like, Oh, 12th house does correspond with integration and subconscious awareness and also the energy of retreat. So I think it's really cool. I'm really viewing this as an opportunity for I almost feel like spiritual initiation, spiritual leadership initiation, and it coming from this really pure, unadulterated, unfiltered place like just clarity that is not filtered. And that feels really important, especially in a world where we're just like online all the time. You don't know what's real. You don't know what's filtered through what everything is, like carefully edited, whereas will just be together and will be raw and real. And that feels really important.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yes, and having some fun, unapologetic fun, that's kind of what I was thinking with Venus, Venus and Aries moving into that, it's like, I don't need permission and but I'm also I'm like, just going to show up as this fullest, fiery expression and see, see kind of how, how it goes how it all plays out with all the other elements that are showing up. And that's really what I I want this container to be in it will be, is a place for exploration and, and creativity and fun. So I am so thrilled. Is there anything else that you'd like to add?


Hmm, I'm just I'm feeling the fun. I feel like there's so many things astrologically that just make sense, like the Venus cycle that we'll be in is the Leo cycle. And Leo is about living in the present moment Living from the heart having fun. And I, I've been thinking a lot lately about I mean, it's the time old thing like Time flies when you're having fun, like, what's the relationship between presence and time, and there's an element of when you're in your true creative zone, and you're in flow, you're having a good time, like Time stands still, like you're not aware at all. Yeah. And I think that that's a big part of an energy that we want to remember and connect with as intentionally as possible. So that we can get back to that like, it feels like with the North Node in Aries, there's this returning to innocence by being just so incredibly present.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah. And curious. And in the wonder and awe, yeah, because we, we lose time when we're, when we're in the past and in the future, right. I mean, that's really how we lose time. So we're constantly in the cycles of what we should be doing or shouldn't be doing or what we regret what we have have been doing, then we don't actually get to put that energy into cultivating something right here right now or have or even just experiencing this, this potent now moment, right. So I love that you brought that in. And if you are catching this every all of the information and the links will be in the show notes as well as on both of our websites. And if you are catching this, we are going to be offering a discount for early bird pricing. So get in check it out. And if you have any questions at all reach out and we will also be offering some open houses and different experiences from now until you know before the retreat and before it's sold out. So make sure to get on either one of our mailing lists if you're not already, so that you can be in the know to connect with the potent opportunity of igniting your vision together and sacred sisterhood with us in Mexico and neuro Can you just tell everyone where to find you just so they can connect with you also in the meantime?


Absolutely. I'm at Nura And you ra ra ch e ll e just have to spell it out for for everybody. And I'm also at nourish shell on Instagram if you want to connect and at nourish shell astrology on YouTube, which is where I know some of you will be finding me watching this as well. So it's hopefully pretty easy to find me.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, definitely turn in tune into a neuros YouTube channel. It's so awesome. And she has astrological reports from her end intuitive readings that are just so potent and really fun. I always find there's some something in there that I definitely needed to hear. And I'm like, Oh yeah, I'm resource I've got this.


There is there is there is some strength in this trans in this transit for me right here right now. So

Mary Wagstaff:

thank you so much everyone for tuning in. And we cannot wait to meet you in sacred sisterhood and


encircle. Yes. Can't wait to see you. Thank you, Nora. Thank you, Mary.

Mary Wagstaff:

As much as I know you would love to you cannot wish yourself alcohol free. You have to take action to do something different. So what I want you to do is head on over to my website Mary Wagstaff, where you can download the free training of the five shifts of intuitive drinking, along with a free guide of questions that you can ask yourself every single day when you have an urge. When you have a craving when you wake up in the morning, you can make it a ritual practice to start to observe yourself in a new way. And it will guide you through the process of learning to tap into your own deeper knowing so that you can develop a new relationship to yourself, which will in turn and your relationship to alcohol. Mary Wagstaff To register for the free On Demand training right now.