Stop Drinking and Start Living

How To Stay Connected To Your Soul Mission w/ Guest Host Nura Rachelle Part 1 of 3

January 24, 2024 Mary Wagstaff / Nura Rachelle
Stop Drinking and Start Living
How To Stay Connected To Your Soul Mission w/ Guest Host Nura Rachelle Part 1 of 3
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Join my co-host Nura Rachelle and I, as we explore what all heart centered woman fear mission, their soul mission.  In this special three-part series, discover the joy and fulfillment of living in alignment with your true purpose. What your soul mission is and why aligning with it as a priority is crucial in your holistic wellness. 

Navigate the pitfalls of the hive mind, embrace personal growth, and learn to celebrate your unique identity beyond societal expectations. Nura shares her brilliant astrological insight in where in your chart to understand and validate your soul mission, as well as significant astrological transits that are calling supporting the collective awakening. 

Sister, you are invited to come and receive joy, validate and acknowlegement in a container that is created for you to remember who you are + ignite your vision of self into the world. Click here to learn more + secure your space today. 

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Mary Wagstaff:

Do you ever feel like you're out growing alcohol, that you are longing for a deeper connection to life? If alcohol is keeping you playing small and feels like the one area you just can't figure out, you are in the right place. Hi, my name is Mary Wagstaff. I'm a holistic alcohol coach who ended a 20-year relationship to alcohol without labels, counting days or ever making excuses. Now I help powerful women just like you eliminate their desire to drink on their own terms. In this podcast, we will explore the revolutionary approach of my proven five-shifts process that gets alcohol out of your way by breaking all of the rules, and the profound experience that it is to rediscover who you are on the other side of alcohol. I am so thrilled to be your guide. Welcome to your journey of awakening.

Nura Rachelle:

Hello, beautiful listeners. I'm Nora Vichel. I'm here with Mary Wagstaff and we have a special three-part series planned for you. We are tuning into soul mission why it's important, what it looks like when you are in alignment and out of alignment, and what kind of impact this leaves in your life individually and collectively. So today we'll be tuning into part one how to stay connected to soul mission and I think a good place to start is maybe the purpose of why we are creating this podcast.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, absolutely yes. Thank you so much for being here. I'm so excited to have a special co-host. It's so fun. It's been a solo journey for so long and it feels like just for everyone listening to that. You know, oftentimes when I have other people on the show, I'm like interviewing them, but I feel like this just feels like such a better, like collaborative effort too. So it's really fun, thank you.

Nura Rachelle:

And then moving to that like lone wolf element. I feel like that's a big part of the why. Like we're stepping out of that yeah, we're stepping out of lone wolf. We're realizing that it's a collective effort. We are bringing our beautiful individual soul missions, combining it with the collective evolutionary journey.

Mary Wagstaff:

So yeah, it's so, so, so important and what we have kind of realized of you know our conversations intimately personally and our own personal relationships, but both as being, you know, coaches in the self development and healing world that this is a collective conversation that our clients are having is wanting to really connect with their soul mission, and what that could mean for a lot of people is just like their purpose and how. I often see it as how to match the inside with the outside. So we figured that if a lot of our clients are coming to us with that, then you know, the collective of who's been called into our frequency, into our circle, is probably feeling this same type of yearning too, and even collectively, if you want to speak to that.

Nura Rachelle:

Absolutely yeah. I mean, we are in a time where so much is changing. We are on this precipice of Pluto reentering Aquarius there to stay. It's in and out for a couple months again this year, but at the end of 2024, all the way through 2044, we have Pluto and Aquarius, and Aquarius is the sign of the people, the sign of the collective, it's the group, and if we tune into what that means for us individually, well, we want to be very clear on what it is that we bring to the group and our role in this collective evolution. Otherwise, we risk kind of falling into the shadow of that which is, you know, whether it's group control or hive mind or, you know, just following but not really feeling aligned with purpose for yourself. So, the highest way to be with this is to really be very clear on who you are as an individual, what you want to bring, finding your people. That's a really big part of this, you know. Connecting with your tribe, your community, your sisterhood, your circle, whatever that looks like, and letting it be aligned around a common vision whether that is a spiritual vision, which I know is really central to our work, where there's a lot of this reconnection with the divine, feminine and really re-empowering women, resourcing women. Ultimately, we really want to include more of our wholeness, we want to remember our true selves, and it's always going to be this individual piece, bringing it to the collective, really seeing, okay, how do we do all of this together, knowing that we're stronger together. So these are really big themes in the collective, and so I'm sure, if you're listening, you have this awareness of like, okay, a lot of things are changing, we're dismantling all sorts of distortions, but what do I do with that now and how do I find myself within all of this?

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, and I think a way that this kind of shows up and we'll probably get to this more in depth but, as you were speaking of, you know like the hive mind mentality is, I think when people are wanting to reconnect to purpose or soul mission and when they know that they're in alignment with that, one of the other signs too is Isolation and loneliness, and even feeling that way in the collective right, when you're not in alignment with what am I really bringing, bringing into the group for for myself, and not through a sense of obligation but through the sense of like this feels really good, and I think that was one of the questions that we were speaking about right before we started recording was, you know why is Understanding your soul mission important? And it's really you know for me what it is, as it comes down to what feels good, and maybe we can even define what our definitions are of like, what our soul mission is and it feels. For me, the soul mission is what is naturally innate with within you, your gifts, your values, right, because we all show up with different, with different strengths and and really utilizing that in not just like your quote-unquote job, right, but in the way that you're showing up through your relationships is, you know, a big piece of what we're talking about, the things that Actually naturally bring you pleasure, that you're naturally drawn to, and how to Use that as the way you like Reflectively treat yourself, which is something I've talked about so much on the show, as the importance of Utilizing your gifts and relationship to yourself, but, yeah, also how we find our people that and that shared, that shared kind of collective Vision. So I'd love to hear about what you think about your soul.

Nura Rachelle:

Yeah, I mean, it's like there are going to be as many soul missions as there are people on the planet, and that's what I love about astrology and human design is that it's really bringing in those tools to help you Understand that or give language to that, because I believe you already know it, you came in knowing it and it's this natural part of you, it's innate, it's the calling, and it may or may not include job title, location, like that could just be a percentage of it. That's going to be a A variable factor for each person, but ultimately, I think it's our big why. It's what makes us want to wake up in the morning. It is what's energizing. What do we want to say yes to in life, what is really energizing to us? And that is how I think you know that you're living your soul mission. Whether or not You're able to say in a definitive sentence or not, this is my soul mission. I think it's even more important to know you're living it, you're, you're breathing it, you're dancing it, you're creating with it, you're embodying it. You might not be able to put it into human Language, right? I think this is also calling us into this other element of all of our, of our why is these other ways of knowing that are really stemming from the divine, feminine way of knowing which you know? The feminine elements are water and earth. It's it's something embodied, it's something felt it's not necessarily always going to be able to be spoken about. I think sometimes we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to feel like I have to be able to speak it in a way that makes sense and that's the only way that I know it's real, versus like I can feel it, like I know and I'm in living my soul mission because I feel what my body, yes, is. So a lot of my work in this regard is trying to actually find, like use astrology to kind of find language and find archetypes and things like that, but ultimately it's to get back to that more holistic, integrative way of knowing self.

Mary Wagstaff:

Knowing who you are, yeah, and that's so beautiful and it's true, and I think a lot of people come to us because it's like I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Kind of right, like what is my vision, what is my purpose? And really, speaking to that Noura, it's so, so, so important because I think it's about asking how do you want to feel and how do you already feel that way. So, even if you can't see yourself in this picture, in this structure and something that came up for me, my mother actually was talking about, she's hosting this class on vision board making, but she's also making these heart collages or heart compass boards, because there oftentimes is like, yes, we have the physical manifestation of what that looks like, which is a lot of when you want to come into alignment with your soul, mission or reconnect to that. It might be for this purpose of finding love, abundance, even starting a business or different ways of relating, but it can also. It might not be that it's like the both and where it could be this physical manifestation, but it could also really just be about connecting to that deeper sense of knowing and that embodied truth that when we talked about the feminine that really isn't always mirrored to us, and I think that this is the permission that Noura and I do separately in our work, which is really help. Women often step into this place of really giving themselves permission to feel authentically how they feel without needing to have to figure it out, and so I think that that's a really important piece to know that you already are doing it, because you are an emotional human being. But oftentimes we can kind of life happens or we get in our own way with certain things of this linear achievement movement.

Nura Rachelle:

Yes, yeah, that's why I think our work overlaps so poignantly is that it's remembering, it's cyclical, it's what's in nature, it's what is our infinite intelligence already showing us is the right way to go, or the next yes, or what I like to say in my work is the creative next step. And how do you understand that strategy within yourself? I think that there are a lot of beautiful doorways into understanding that strategy. For example, if you have ever studied human design, there are a lot of indicators of how you know if you're operating in your true self versus your not self, like your conditioned self. And hint, hint, the conditioned self is like what we all grew up with. Right, we all went to some, we all had some form of indoctrination in our lives, and it's not to bash on those systems. They are what they are. But I also really see it as we have our work cut out for us in terms of reclaiming our true selves, to really understand how we might be more unique, different than what those systems created for us, and how we maybe compared ourselves to those systems and those structures and maybe didn't feel like we fit in to those systems and structures and then wondered like, well, what does that mean about me? Does that mean there's something wrong with me because I don't fit into this structure? Versus like well, maybe I'm here to flip that table. Maybe I'm here, maybe it's part of my sole mission to get back to this truth of who I am. That maybe looks nothing like this linear industrial model. So I think there's this whole way of knowing. I mean we could go really deep into that but there are these whole ways of knowing that we have really sort of shamed or just not validated. And if you happen to be one of those people who, those are your ways of knowing. And usually these ways of knowing are like being psychic, being intuitive, like listening to your body, understanding your cyclical rhythms. These are not very much socially accepted and validated ways of knowing and ways of living. Like if you identify with living your life that way, it's hard to find your place in the common, social, acceptable elements of society. So I feel like, if you feel like you're not finding yourself in that, it's a hint that part of your sole mission is to be part of creating the other thing. So that's really where I feel my sole mission is is in being part of initiating these other containers, these sacred containers. So, whether that is through our retreat, whether that's through online spaces, even just us doing this, like this podcast, these conscious conversations, it's going to be a combination of things, but I think you'll just feel it and so, instead of letting yourself feel like you don't fit in, it's like well, where was I meant? To create something new and different completely.

Mary Wagstaff:

And that's the mission, yeah, yeah, and it's. You know, being here and even having the question or the curiosity is a sign that you are just a changemaker and you are a leader in your own life. Because so much of I think the resistance to change or feeling like we're not, like we don't fit in, is is simply just a matter of evolution, right, like things, of and we take that next step in that paradigm shift when there are, you know, think, people that are thinking outside of the box, that take that next big step. So really, it's a huge celebration of showing up and saying yes to yourself. I mean, I really truly believe that when you're seeking out new ways of looking at life and when you're seeking out these opportunities to have new conversations, that to me is is a huge sign already of your soul mission.

Nura Rachelle:


Mary Wagstaff:

Right, yeah, so, and kind of where you know, nera and I I think both me at this space is like intentionally, like she said, creating containers for others to experience this and you know, in doing so, like putting ourselves first through these, like intentional initiations, you know, and creating opportunities to like go evolutionarily, go kind of beyond, into the next step of past, our condition, conditioning and inviting others to do the same in a way that feels safe and comfortable?

Nura Rachelle:

Yeah Well, because it's, it is kind of scary to step out of the known.

Mary Wagstaff:


Nura Rachelle:

Like to step out of a system that somebody else made for you and even if it is a comfort zone, I think it's just asking continually like, does this align with my values? Like there's nothing wrong with being in a system, but it's like does the system align with my values? Does this framework that I'm living my life through does it align with my values? I feel like so much of it is just about you know, creating the time and space to be with yourself and get to know yourself. And I think you know, if we tune into astrology as a modality for that, I mean it's a beautiful way to tell a new story about purpose, to tell a new story about vision. And you take that, you combine it with, you know, inner listening, body awareness. You combine that with sisterhood and loving, compassionate reflection from others. Then you have now you're already so much more prepared and so much more validated, strengthened, held, and I see it as this reminder of support and connection that has never actually really left, but like we might feel like it's not there, and I think that's always what we're seeking. Like how to give our gift where it's needed, and what if we're not seeing that space?

Mary Wagstaff:

But there is a space.

Nura Rachelle:

That's ultimately what we're trying to tell you.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, there is a space and I think that the space does exist, but we have to intentionally create it. We have to intentionally whether that you know, oftentimes like it is in community and that reflection of others on a similar mission, and that's why I always say, like you're in the frequency of the circle here on this, on the show, and that is in like the tuning inward, so that you can always know that you, that you are connected and knowing already I think it could be an interesting thing to just think about this week as you go about your time and your day is where are you already in alignment? Like where in your life does it feel good? Not necessarily it's not challenging, but like you're even willing to face resistance for the greater perfect, like for your sole mission. Right, and I think of that. That shows up a lot for me pretty naturally, is like in mothering, you know, where it's very uncomfortable often, but I know it's my sole mission to create a container for this little human the best way I can, so that you know, so that he can go out into the world with more awareness of his sole mission and being, you know, having like a holistic wellness perspective and like I talked about that self reflectiveness for, like, when I don't show up in like my follow alignment, using my sole mission, for like Well, how do I want to treat myself in relationship to that too? So just yeah, like knowing that a lot of times people are here seeking, seeking clarity in these containers and through mentorship and astrology and different modalities to find the clarity. And I think a lot of the clues are already existing in you know, in your embodied, like day to day. So just kind of paying attention to to where that is already showing up for you, like how, and I would just say like how, is the divine already like speaking through you in some way?

Nura Rachelle:

Yeah, absolutely. It's like you want to know what's already working for you and then tune into like how do I create more of that? How do I even learn other ways of listening to an observation? I think cycle tracking, just cyclical living, understanding your emotional wave, your ups and downs like there are so many different self awareness observation practices I think to just tune into like the natural, instinctual wisdom that is the precursor to us living our sole mission. Even an example, astrologically, because you had asked me earlier. It's like when do you find that in the chart? And I was like Well, I mean, it's the whole chart, but that can be overwhelming, so if we were to just talk about one part of it. Really tuning into our sun is like fuel for our current life purpose. If we tune into what the sun is, it's the main luminary. The sun gives us life and is how we reconnect with our why and our meaning. So there's direction, there's illumination, there's really understanding our intention and how to put our attention there is really the sun and then everything else in the chart is really going to support that purpose. It's kind of like the sun is what is shining through everything else. And then there's other parts of the chart that are really important, like our rising sign, which is our body and how we walk through the world. So if you combine sun and rising, you have so much information already around purpose. It's okay. Well, what am I looking at? What's important for me to just look at? You don't have to know what you're going to do with it yet. Where you have your sun, you just have to look at it. And there's that. You know that natural phenomenon that happens when you look at something, it changes. Or you know, when you look at something, all of a sudden you're going to get that magnetic resonance, that attraction, like it will become clear and revealed just by spending time with it. And then you're feeling it through your body. You're really tuning into health and being in right relationship with you and understanding how you move through the world, how you walk through the world. It's very much our rising sign and it's like our sole mission is very like. Our rising sign can be considered almost like the sole group that we came in with. So it's like I'm a tourist rising, it's like all of us tourist risings out there in the world. So much of our sole group mission is to be embodied and to understand embodiment, pleasure and also being in congruence with values and being in resource integrity, and so I know a lot of you sun and tourists. People will probably also resonate with that. So there's all of us. We have all of these archetypes within us, but there's going to be different ones that are leading for different things. So for me it's like you know the tourist, rising embodiment, pleasure, congruence with my values. But I have to look at Sagittarian things because that's my son. It's like if I don't look at life through the lens of Sagittarius which is like finding meaning, asking why, you know, going on adventures, expanding my horizons, living in the realm of possibility then like I don't want to wake up in the morning, I'm like I don't even know what the point of life is if I don't get to do that. If you hear something, if you hear yourself saying something like that, you know you're on to something that's the clue, right. You know, and you could do this with multiple other parts of your chart, but those two things alone are going to give you so much.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, that's really powerful, because I was the, as you were speaking to him I was thinking of. Soul mission is really about understanding your intention, more of your intention, like how you're naturally wanting to the energy that's naturally wanting to move through you, and so much of the time in the linear achievement world that's not in the feminine we're kind of like trying to whip ourselves into shape of like reaching goals. These like like that may or may not even really be important to us, like you're saying. So when you tune into you know the sun sign, like adventure is important to me, so that's not often necessarily a goal that people have. I mean, and you know you're going to understand more of what it looks like to embody and show up in the world where you can have more satisfaction. And then the next piece of that is like giving yourself permission, seeing the signs, and so how we're going to move through this little series is we're going to talk more about like why we get out of alignment with our soul mission, how we can recognize that and then how to get back into alignment with it and create more sustainability with it so that we can experience and have more, way more fun than we're having right now, because there's always definitely more room for that.

Nura Rachelle:

Totally. I mean, even just think about it like thought experiment, like what if I told you hey, your soul mission is to just like go have this job for the rest of your life. Doesn't that feel a little soul crushing? I don't know it does yeah. Like that's not it, like it's part of it. I love my work, I love my service, but I know that that is all. It's like pillars of purpose, right? Your service, your community, your health, like all of these are the pillars of purpose living our lives fully. And so I think absolutely that piece of releasing the attachment to linear achievement, tuning back into your soul mission is. It's expressed cyclically, but it's also it's just through us, like it comes through us as us. It's who we are being, it's not just about what we were doing, right? So it's like, how many different ways do we need to remind ourselves of that? Yeah, and I think it's a life practice, right, like that's why community is so important, and reflection and sisterhood, because we could know that. And then we're going to wake up tomorrow and you know we're going to want to know Okay, how am I going to remind myself of that every day?

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, absolutely, and what it is so much about is, you know, bringing it's just about bringing it to the forefront of the conversation that you're having, right, and you know, we often just leave this piece of our health out, right. The holistic health is, I mean it kind of the foundation of it, is like who we are as unique individuals, because without that then we would just be robots, kind of.

Nura Rachelle:

And that's a shot aside of Pluto and Aquarius. We're trying to not do that Right.

Mary Wagstaff:

Yeah, so it's, it's. We want to just bring different aspects of the self to the forefront and I believe that you know you're here because you have this calling for more meaning and connection to something deeper within yourself that you want to lead from, because this life is meant to be experienced through the lens of joy, even when we're facing times of you know, resistance. But when we're in alignment with our soul mission, the resistance and the hard things are like welcomed.

Nura Rachelle:

Yeah. It's like you never really are out of. You get to choose your problem, basically, like, make sure it's the problem that you want to be, rather than like, oh, I don't even care about the solution, so why am I working so hard on this problem? Like, make sure it's a soul aligned thing? Yeah, so we'll be talking a lot more about this in our next podcast. Yes, you know what are the indicators when you've fallen out of alignment. How do you get back into alignment? And, I'm sure, much, much more yeah.

Mary Wagstaff:

And we'll be sharing a little bit more about our own personal journeys and our connection as well. So thank you so much for being here, and I hope you all have a wonderful week. Bye, bye, hey, my beautiful listener. So the number one secret to sustainable sobriety is not winging it. You need a system that will give you consistent and predictable results. So, even if you do have a drink, you are always moving toward making alcohol unimportant in your life not stopping and starting. And that's where the stop drinking and start living program comes in. It's your opportunity to know what's working, what's not working and what you need to do differently so that you can get out of the moderation and deprivation trap. To become a lifetime member of the program, all you need to do is follow the link right here in the show notes or visit my website, mary Wagstaff, coachcom. And, as a special thanks for being part of our show, enter the word podcast at checkout to receive an additional 10% off. I am so excited for you to explore the endless possibilities beyond alcohol. I will see you on the inside.

Exploring Soul Mission and Finding Purpose
Finding Alignment and Embracing Personal Mission
Sun and Rising Signs for Life