Yes, Tags and Keywords, serve different purposes for your podcast!
Tagsare primarily used for creating customized embed players in Buzzsprout. This is a great feature for podcasts that cover several different topics because it allows you to organize episodes embedded on your personal website.
You can add tags to your episodes within your episode details. Simply go to your episode in Buzzsprout, click Edit, and scroll down to the Tags field. You can get more information on creating custom embed players in this article: Creating Custom Players
Tip: Tags do not need to include a #. They just need to be separated by a comma.
It’s also important to keep in mind that tags are not useful in terms of SEO. If you want help with SEO then we suggest adding keywords to your podcast information.
Keywords categorize your podcast as a whole, they are used to describe what your podcast is about. These get added to your RSS feed and are available to directories. While keywords can help in SEO, they are not typically used as search terms within directories.
We recommend using no more than 12 keywords to describe your podcast. These are usually one or two words, each keyword separated by a comma. You can add these by going to Podcast Info > Advanced > Keywords in your Buzzsprout account.
Learn more about SEO for Podcasts in this video:
If you have any questions about tags or keywords, feel free to email our support team at!